PyCon CZ

PyCon CZ 23
15–17 September

Greening the Labour Market: Using NLP to Identify in‑demand Green Skills a talk by Mauro Pelucchi

Friday 15 September 16:40 (30 minutes)

The talk will explore the concept of “green skills” and “green jobs”, which are skills and occupations that contribute to preserving or restoring the natural environment.

The focus will be on using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to create an index of greenness of different types of work, in order to better understand and quantify the environmental impact of different industries and occupations. The talk will also discuss the potential benefits of investing in green skills and jobs, such as reducing carbon emissions, improving air and water quality, and conserving natural resources.

Additionally, the talk will explore the challenges and opportunities of using NLP to create the index as well as the limitations of using text-based data to measure environmental impact.

What do you need to know to enjoy this talk

Python level

Medium knowledge: You use frameworks and third-party libraries.

About the topic

You used or did it just a few times.

Mauro Pelucchi

I am a senior data scientist and big data engineer responsible for the design of the “Real-Time Labour Market Information System on Skill Requirements” for CEDEFOP and Eurostat.

I currently work as Head of Global Data Science at Lightcast with the goal to develop innovative models, methods and deployments of labour market data and other data to meet customer requirements and prototype new potential solutions.